
What happened last year?



當黑豹打進2005的國聯冠軍賽時,比賽的結果以及前一週擊敗熊隊確實讓黑豹的球迷傷心。在芝加哥,黑豹在混亂中贏得了勝利。事實上,黑豹在防守上犯了一些錯誤,如果熊隊能拿下足夠的分數,笑的就是主人了。但是感謝Steve Smith也靠著Steve Smith,黑豹晉級國聯冠軍賽。

只靠Steve Smith是不可能打敗西雅圖的防守的。他們幾乎讓明星接球員沉寂了整場比賽。此外黑豹的防守隊伍也完全守不住對方;Matt Hasselbeck讓黑豹的第二層防守像安隆的財務報告一樣地脆弱。這兩場比賽說明了,不論他們在平面上(一維空間)的防守有多強,也無法贏得超級盃。

Who’s leaving?

Ricky Proehl是自由球員而且大概會選擇退休。原本上一季打完他就要退休了,但是John Fox說服他再留一年。希望他能繼續留下來,因為他是惟二打過Tecmo那屆超級盃的人。(假如你想知道,不過大概不想;Sean Landeta是另外一個。)

目前最需要優先續留的扛住中線衛的Will Witherspoon;美洲虎的教練Jack Del Rio對他非常有興趣(註一);當Jack Del Rio還是球隊的防守組教練時他就受教於Jack。重新簽下Spoon無疑是最重要的事;如果不成功,Thomas Davis應該還能扛下這個位置。

Chris Weinke(QB)也應該會離開。他在黑豹度過那個1勝15敗賽季之後的2001年第一次上場;他對球隊唯一正面的貢獻就是這一季稍早帶領球隊後來居上擊敗獅隊。

先發的棄踢員Jason Baker也是自由球員;很少人注意到其實他的表現比丹佛的 Todd Sauerbrun還好。

Whom should they sign?

一些小道消息說黑豹對包裝工的防守絆鋒Grady Jackson有興趣。簽下Grady Jackson是個保障,如果Jenkins連續第三個賽季因傷提前結束的話。Brentson Buckner已經34歲了(註二),而Jordan Carstens總是讓人失望;33歲的Jackson體型比較適合守絆鋒,沒辦法整場比賽都快速移動;但是他可以接下防守一線的任何位置而且善於防守跑陣進攻。

當然,黑豹在季後的首要任務就是找到第二進攻人選來減輕Steve Smith的壓力。這個問題很簡單只要再找一名Jake Delhomme願意傳球給他的接球員或跑衛即可(這裡我不懂的是:難道Foster還不夠?)。

如果黑豹確實在尋找接球員,他們會發現好手實在不少:包括Antwaan Randle El、David Givens、Nate Burleson和Joe Jurevicius,只要其中任何一個人,再搭配應該會上場的Drew Carter都會使Carolina的空中攻擊比現在更恐怖。

黑豹只是把DeShaun Foster當作跑衛這個位置的過渡品;但是他們也希望能夠改善,這項作法給球隊在這個位置保留相當大的彈性。在去年,他們的跑陣DVOA只贏過綠灣、巴爾的摩和亞利桑那。MVP Shaun Alexander已經表達了如果他無法和西雅圖達成協議,那麼來到Carolina也是個不錯的選擇;但是也可以作為接球員的Edgerrin James也在自由球員市場上。但是如果黑豹未能簽下他們其中一人,那麼健康的Eric Shelton會有不錯的表現的。

註一:Will Witherspoon已於3/12和公羊簽約。
註二:Brentson Buckner已於3/1遭到球隊釋出。


by Darrel Michaud

What happened last year?

The Panthers started off slowly but exploded late in the season, largely on the shoulders of their defense and the most valuable receiver in the league. The team made it deep in the playoffs, but ultimately faltered when its defense couldn’t stop the best offense in the league.

Sound familiar? While some of the details are different, Carolina’s 2003 and 2005 stories are remarkably similar.

While the Panthers made the NFC Championship Game in 2005, the results of that game and their win over Chicago the week before should disturb Carolina fans. In Chicago, Carolina won a shootout. For those following at home, if Chicago scores enough points on you to constitute a “shootout,” you’re doing something wrong on defense. Still, thanks to Steve Smith and only Steve Smith, Carolina advanced to the NFC Championship game.

Seattle’s defense was too good to be beat by only Steve Smith, who silenced the receiver nearly the whole game. But Carolina’s defense couldn’t hold, as Matt Hasselbeck shredded the Carolina secondary like Enron’s financial statements. These two games showed that a one-dimensional offense ultimately cannot win in the NFL, no matter how good that one dimension is.

Who’s leaving?

Ricky Proehl is a free agent and will probably retire. Proehl was set to retire last year, but John Fox convinced him to stay for one more year. Hopefully Proehl sticks around, because he’s one of the few players left from Tecmo Super Bowl. (In case you’re wondering, and you’re probably not, Sean Landeta’s the only player left from the original Tecmo Bowl).

Most importantly, linebacker Will Witherspoon should be in high demand for teams with holes at linebacker. More specifically, Jack Del Rio’s Jaguars are interested in the Will, who played under Del Rio when he was the Panthers’ defensive coordinator. Re-signing Witherspoon is definitely the top priority for the Panthers, but if he’s not signed by the time free agency hits, the presence of Thomas Davis on the roster and other pressing needs could mean Witherspoon will sign elsewhere.

Chris Weinke will also leave Carolina. Weinke won his NFL debut in 2001, before the Panthers went 1-15. Weinke’s only other positive contribution to his team in his career came when he led the Panthers to a comeback victory over the Lions earlier this season.

Starting punter Jason Baker is also a free agent. Very few people noticed that Baker’s solid punting was even better than Todd Sauerbrun’s in Denver.

Whom should they sign?

Rumors are linking the Panthers to former Packers defensive tackle Grady Jackson. Jackson would presumably provide insurance against Kris Jenkins’ going down for the season for the third year in a row. Brentson Buckner is aging at 34, and Jordan Carstens disappeared at times. The 33-year-old Jackson, as often is the case with tackles of his size, can’t play the full game with a high motor, but he has the ability to rotate in at the line and provide great run defense.

Of course, the top priority for the Panthers should and will be adding a second offensive playmaker to take the pressure (and seven defenders) off Steve Smith. The Panthers could do this by acquiring a new receiver (whom Jake Delhomme will never throw at anyway) or running back.

If Carolina goes looking for a receiver, they’ll find that this isn’t a bad crop of wideouts. Good receivers on the market include Antwaan Randle El, David Givens, Nate Burleson, and Joe Jurevicius. One of these guys, coupled with the possible emergence of Drew Carter, could make Carolina a much more dangerous passing team.

The Panthers tagged DeShaun Foster with the transition tag but might look to improve there as well, as the transition tag leaves plenty of flexibility for the team. Carolina was rated 29th in rushing DVOA, better than only Green Bay, Baltimore, and Arizona. MVP Shaun Alexander has stated interest in going to Carolina if he can’t re-sign with the Seahawks, but Edgerrin James, who doubles as a receiving threat, is also on the market. If the Panthers don’t sign either of them, a healthy Eric Shelton might make a good committee back.

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