
Same Old, Same Old

在每一個人心中關於年齡的問題都非常相似而且已經存在好一段時間了:Brett Favre要退休嗎?我們都還沒獲得任何消息,而這應該代表著他會歸隊。Favre並不會讓包裝工處在一個不確定的狀況;所以假使他要退休,他會儘早宣布來讓綠灣能夠儘早在市場下簽下別人。

包裝工已經開始了他們的季外計畫,而Javon Walker則略過了。去年Javon Walker因為合約的問題而威脅不參加訓練營,甚至和Favre經由媒體互相吵架,雖然最終還是即時歸隊也沒有因而獲得新合約,在一開季就撕裂了他的ACL,還開除了經紀人Drew Rosenhaus。那是狂亂的一年,而現在球隊想知道他是否在心智上或體能上都以及準備好再次出發了。

說到包裝工在季外的進展,Mike McCarthy堅持球隊已經急速的翻新重量訓練室當他發現球員對健身看得比控制體重還重要。訓練員幾乎是一至地認為能夠保持穩定的體重才是正途,而令人驚訝的是一支NFL球隊仍然只單純的依賴機器。

在自由球員市場上,中鋒Mike Flanagan轉投德州人。不久以前包裝工還擁有聯盟最棒的內攻擊線員組合,但是當去年走了Mike Wahle和Marco Rivera,Mike Flanagan則在今年離開,攻擊線的中間部份成為綠灣現在的問題。

Ahman Green的價值隨著他那輝煌的2003球季之後而逐漸下跌。他最近同意了一筆一年175萬的合約;而曾獲得Favre親口說過如果他是全職先發而不僅僅是Green的替補的Najeh Davenport也簽下了一年的短約。當然,即使如此也不代表這兩個人的出賽時間就一定會壓過只領最低薪資的Samkon Gado和Noah Herron。

4年2100萬簽下Aaron Kampman對雙方來說都是好事。它讓綠灣能留下它們上一季最好的球員之ㄧ,而這也讓Aaron Kampman拿到比之前的1200萬更好。在防守方面,包裝工也增加了兩名先發:從公羊來的防守絆鋒Ryan Pickett以及從海鷹來的強安全衛Marquand Manuel。球隊也計畫和已經是自由球員的Charles Woodson商談;但事實上簽下他會是個錯誤,他從未實現他的承諾而他的表現也不值得他所要求的薪水。

在這些轉隊或交易的新聞中有一個不那麼引人注目但事實上很重要的是如果維京人對上包裝工要在讀秒階段分勝負的話,踢球員Ryan Longwell加入了維京人而綠灣則簽下Billy Cundiff。

Draft Preview

有些傳言說假使Favre退休,包裝工會選擇四分衛,但那不太合理,Aaron Rodgers是去年的第一輪選秀,而即使如此,制服組的改朝換代,可能會瘋狂到不給Aaron Rodgers一個證明他自己的機會就再選來一名熱門新秀。

如果朝防守方面就合理多了,而Hawk最有可能落在第五順位(綠灣)。Hawk被認為是今年選秀會上最好的團隊線衛,他大概能立刻打上先發來取代Brady Poppinga,他目前被移到強邊線衛的位置上。

By Michael David Smith

Same Old, Same Old
The question on everyone’s mind seems like it has been the question on everyone’s mind for ages in Green Bay: Is Brett Favre retiring? We haven’t heard anything yet, which would indicate that he’ll be back. Favre doesn’t want to put the Packers in an uncertain situation, so presumably if he were going to announce his retirement, he would have done it early enough in the off-season that the Packers could have signed another quarterback.

The Packers have started their off-season conditioning program, and Javon Walker is skipping it. Last year Walker threatened to skip training camp in a contract dispute, quarreled in the media with Favre, showed up to camp on time despite failing to get a new contract, tore his ACL in the season opener, and fired agent Drew Rosenhaus. It’s been a turbulent year, and the Packers have to wonder whether Walker will be ready to contribute physically or mentally.

Speaking of the Packers’ off-season conditioning program, Mike McCarthy insisted that the team radically overhaul its weight room when he discovered that the team had been lifting with machines much more than free weights. Strength training experts are nearly unanimous that free weights are superior to machines because they force the lifter to stabilize the weight, and it’s surprising that an NFL team would still rely on machines.

In free agency, Green Bay lost center Mike Flanagan to the Texans. It wasn’t long ago that the Packers had the best interior offensive line in football, but with Mike Wahle and Marco Rivera leaving last year and Flanagan leaving this year, the middle of the line is a problem in Green Bay.

Running back Ahman Green’s value certainly has declined since his great 2003 season. He recently agreed to a one-year deal worth $1.75 million. Najeh Davenport, who Favre once said would lead the league in rushing if he were a full-time starter instead of Green’s backup, also signed a one-year deal. Of course, there’s no guarantee that Green and Davenport will beat out the minimum-salary youngsters, Samkon Gado and Noah Herron, for playing time.

The four-year, $21 million contract Green Bay gave defensive end Aaron Kampman was a good deal for both sides. It allows the Packers to hang on to one of their top players from last season, and it gives Kampman a front-loaded deal worth more than $12 million this season. Looking to bolster the defense, the Packers have added two likely starters, tackle Ryan Pickett from the Rams and strong safety Marquand Manuel from the Seahawks. The Packers also plan to talk to free agent cornerback Charles Woodson. Signing him would be a mistake, though. He has never lived up to his promise and isn’t worth the kind of money that he’ll demand.

In one of those stories that isn’t a big deal now but will be if a Vikings-Packers game goes down to the final seconds, kicker Ryan Longwell left to join the Vikings. Green Bay brought in Billy Cundiff to replace Longwell.

Draft Preview
There has been some talk that if Favre retires, the Packers will take a quarterback, but that just doesn’t make much sense. Aaron Rodgers was the first-round pick last year, and even though there’s a new regime in the Green Bay front office, they’d be crazy not to at least give Rodgers a chance to prove himself before moving on to the next hot young prospect.

Defense makes a lot more sense, and Hawk seems to be the most common projection for the fifth spot, which Green Bay owns. Hawk is generally recognized as the best of a good group of linebackers in this year’s draft. He would probably start immediately, in place of Brady Poppinga, who currently resides atop the depth chart at strongside linebacker.

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